Verið velkomin 😀 Opið í Ögurhvarfi mán-fös 9:30-17

Frí sending á pósthús á pöntunum yfir kr. 15.000

RAM festing fyrir botnstykki

11.900 kr.

2 á lager

Vörunúmer: RAM-B-316-18-TRA1 Flokkur:


Kayak fishing is all about adaptability. RAM Mount offers the widest selection of kayak fishing accessories to adapt to a wide range of fishing scenarios. RAM now offers a deployable transducer arm for kayaks. This solution enables the quick and effective deployment and retrieval of your transducer, while protecting your transducer from damage. Perfect for kayak applications, the transducer arm can quickly be retrieved if you enter shallow water or when beaching your kayak. The unique design provides a universal solution for virtually any kayak as well as any transducer.

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