Vertu velkomin/n 😀 Opið í Ögurhvarfi mán-fös 9:30-17

Frí sending á pósthús á pöntunum yfir kr. 15.000

RAM C kúla stýrisfesting – einföld baula

Stýrisfesting með C kúlu og einfaldri baulu þvermál 1″ til 1.25″

3.900 kr.

Í boði sem biðpöntun

Vörunúmer: RAM-231-1U Flokkur:


The RAM motorcycle handlebar base contains a 1.5″ rubber ball designed to sit at right angles to the mounting rail. The rust proof metal u-bolt accommodates rails in 1″ to 1.25″ in diameter. The base also includes black cover caps to be placed over the exposed ends of the u-bolt.

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